So fresh and so clean…clean.

My mat smell smacked me in the face during this morning’s Adho Mukha Svanasana. There is something to be said about the power of hot yoga class sweat. My mat needed some loving and some scrubbing. I channelled my inner boho spirit and made homemade yoga mat spray. It smells pretty rad and works well as an anti-microbial cleanser. The yummy smell is courtesy of various essential oils.

Yoga Mat Spray (for the broke and sweaty yoga youth)

  • 3-5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 3-5 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • spray bottle
  • distilled water (or tap water, let’s not get crazy)
  • white vinegar


I cleaned a spray bottle that I found in my closet. The original contents remain a mystery. What can I say, I like to live on the edge. I filled up the small bottle with water and a splash of vinegar. Be sure to save some room to add the oils. I dropped in the three essential oils. You can use as many/few drops as you would like…I put an estimate because that is what fancy bloggess women do. Shake it up. Spray both sides of the mat and scrub with a sponge. Finish by wiping the moisture off the mat. Hang it outside to give it some sun love!

My mat smells like a delicious lavender field filled with dancing peppermint fairies. I could just eat it, but that is inappropriate and also a disease called Pica. Please consult a healthcare provider if you feel inclined to eat your yoga mat.

This blend works for me because it smells amazing, but also has germ-crushing properties. Various research has linked tea tree oil to anti-microbial properties.

Check out the section called “clinical summary for healthcare providers.”

Love and light.


Yes, there is a kayak in my living room. Casual.